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Our reviews

(185 Reviews)
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July 26, 2024
Everything was great, as usual!

June 24, 2024
The best place and people! Viva Capilano Sushi!

May 20, 2024
Excellent quality of fish and very fresh. Reasonable prices. Quick delivery too!

April 27, 2024
Super yummy food. Always enjoy the fresh food and flavors of this place. It's the first place where I could eat everything including the California roll, which I usually can't stand from other places I have tried.

April 16, 2024
Amazing as usual. We love Cap Sushi!

February 26, 2024
Take out sushi is always a bit of a mess
But it was great tasting
Nothing spectacular but good

February 18, 2024
Always fresh and very reasonably priced. Really like this place for quick takeout.

February 17, 2024
Very good! Capilano Sushi is my go to place.

January 19, 2024
Excellent sushi, High quality taste and it looked great even for take away. Staff is super friendly.

January 07, 2024
Great sushi, good, efficient, friendly and reliable service,